Sunday, February 04, 2007

More on HPV vaccine

I've been checking out what other sites have written since I posted, previously, about the executive order by Texas Governor Perry to mandate ALL girls in Texas be given the new vaccine.

First, most sites write about the "anti-cancer" vaccine. It isn't - it works against about 70% of the sexually-transmitted Human Papilloma viruses. 2 of them are suspected of causing SOME cervical cancers.

Texas Governor Ignores the Zealots is the all caps heading of Truthdig - Ear to the Ground site.

For a map of the US that shows where legislation has been introduced to MANDATE vaccination, click here. The legislation is being aggressively pushed by a group called Women in Government. What's really interesting is the following, from their site:
Most women will have HPV, but few will develop cancer.

Only HPV that persists can lead to cancer.
So, why are ALL girls in Texas being FORCED to be vaccinated?

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