Thursday, March 18, 2010

Hand-wringing Excitement on Health Care Bill

Michelle Malkin has an update on the Health Care Dance of Hope.

Read the comments - priceless.

Meanwhile, Fox News is asking "When we gonna see the bill?"
As of Thursday afternoon, the final version of the bill had not yet been posted to a congressional Web site and the highly touted Congressional Budget Office cost estimates were still listed only as "preliminary." 
That means the 72-hour window Democrats are promising to give the public to review the language has not actually started. Only after the bill is posted to the House Rules Committee Web site does that clock start ticking. 
CNN even admits they haven't had the time to read the details of the cost estimate.  It's a big pdf.

From the Washington Post, via MSNBC,
Rep. Jason Altmire has met with President Obama twice this month and received a phone call from Air Force One. Two planes circled his western Pennsylvania district, trailing banners urging him to vote against the health-care bill. And conservative "tea party" activists confronted him at his office, trying to force him to answer: "Are you for or against the bill?"
Funny, CNN only talks about the anti-bill pressure.  I'd love to have a recording of the conversation between the Dem leadership and the holdouts.  (Hey, anyone near Washington feel like seeing if they can pick up cordless signals outside the members' houses?)

Man, this is fun - drama, life and death, news, politics, a possible Constitutional showdown - it doesn't get any better than this.


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