Saturday, January 26, 2008

Second Great Undiscovered Blogs List

OOPS - forgot to tel you where to send the names and URLS of the blogs

rightasusual2003-at-gmail (replace the -at- with @)

I'm going to run a list again, of all the GREAT blogs we know, that haven't, for some reason, hit the big time. Here's the rules:
I've noticed that the top 50 or so blogs keep getting mentioned on lists of favorites again and again. I'd like to ask everyone to write down their 5 favorite undiscovered (relatively so) blogs. Several rules:

* They can't have appeared on other favorite blogs lists
* They need to rank lower than Large Mammals - below that point, they're still lesser-known
* They have to post regularly - at least several times a week
* Currently active

I just think a list like that would give some publicity to blogs that don't get much attention yet, but deserve a larger audience. If you want to post the above on your blog, great - the more this Undiscovered Favorites list circulates, the better.
From that list, I'll check them all out, and come up with a totally unscientific list of blogs that deserve the name Favorite Undiscovered.

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