Saturday, October 01, 2005


I've moved into the new place, but the phone service isn't working. Need I say that the Repair Department doesn't work on the weekends?

I'm temporarily using a friend's computer. I had to, to still the shakes.

So, after this post, no matter what happens, I probably won't be able to comment on it. Fortunately, I still have friends and relatives to vent with.

It's kind of strange to be living alone. Almost 32 years of marriage, kids, and such make you forget how quiet a house can be. I had to go out and buy a few items (food, can opener, coffee maker, etc.), but I expect to spend the remainder of the weekend, except for church, being by myself.

I think I'll go to the Salvation Army, and pick up a few books. Did I mention that I don't have a TV?

I may have to do something drastic, like grade papers or something.

Tags = Internet

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Lies of the Left

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