Saturday, May 14, 2005


I've been a Buckeye almost all my life. The state joke is that the Buckeye, the state tree, sends forth a nut that is inedible and totally without use - hence, the saying that:

the Buckeye is a useless nut

The allusion sometimes applies to Ohio's citizens, but never more than this week:
  • George Voinovich - Usually, George is pretty solid. Not flashy (in Ohio, we mistrust flashy), but generally, at least a competent and reasonable legislator. I don't always agree with him, but he's honest, and doesn't seem to be afflicted with more than the usual ambition for higher office.

    But, the posturing antics of the last few weeks have left me wondering - has George been listening to Kucinich after hours?

    I'm deeply disgusted that Voinovich has gradually moved to a RINO. Since he's just been re-elected, I won't have the opportunity to express my disgust for another 5 years.

    On the other hand, that gives me time to find another candidate to run against him, and donate time and money to a potential opponent.

  • Thanks to Common Sense and Wonder, I found out about the Anti-Castro Bill - and Nay votes. The usual Moonbat suspects were involved:
    Stephanie Tubbs-Jones - Lord, that woman is an embarrassment! She's pretty solidly entrenched, but her ethical actions are HIGHLY suspect, she panders to the "we're with you, sista'" crowd, she is overly fond of the sound of her own voice, particularly when it can be recorded by microphones, and, well, hate to say it, but she doesn't strike me as all that bright.

    Dennis Kucinich - I've said in the past, I like him personally. He's earnest, totally sincere, and, well, gosh, such a goof that I have to treat him like the sweet Special Ed kid you make allowances for. But, it would be nice to have a Congressman whom you suspect actually THINKS about the logical (there's that dirty word again) consequences of his actions.

What was the bill that they opposed?
On Tuesday, the House passed a measure first introduced by Miami-area congressman Mario Diaz-Balart, a Cuban-American Republican. HR 193 expressed support for the Assembly to Promote the Civil Society in Cuba, an umbrella structure of over 360 dissident and civil society groups led by economist Marta Beatriz Roque.

The Diaz-Balart bill, which gained some 55 cosponsors, contained four basic planks:

(1) The House "extends its support and solidarity to the organizers and participants of the historic meeting of the Assembly to Promote the Civil Society in Cuba on May 20, 2005, in Havana."

(2) The House "urges the international community to support the Assembly's mission to bring democracy to Cuba."

(3) The House "urges the Administration and international community to actively oppose any attempts by the Castro regime to repress or punish the organizers and participants of the Assembly."

(4) The House "shares the pro-democracy ideals of the Assembly to Promote the Civil Society in Cuba and believes that this Assembly and others will hasten the day of freedom and democracy for the people of Cuba."

Guys, if you're for the people, BE for the people. That may mean thinking for yourself, and breaking loose from the lockstep of the "workers' drones". Take a position, and STAY WITH IT, even if it means that you break away from the pack. Think Joe Lieberman, who, even if I don't agree with him all the time, at least takes principled stands on occasion.

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