Sunday, April 28, 2019

Moving in a New Direction

This used to be my main blog - since 2003 or so, I've kept it going. Lately, I've been more active on group blogs, as the work commitment was less, and the blogs got a lot more exposure.

I like control of things, however, which the group blogs don't give me - theme, direction, administrator access. So, I've decided to re-activate the blog, with the idea of opening it to other bloggers or would-be bloggers. I'm looking for those who might want to periodically caucus online - whether in a closed group, Google Hangout (I like it, but - it's Google, so I always feel as though I'm being watched - which I probably AM), or Slackspace (I've toyed around with it, and it is useful for asynchronous communication based around a project).

How about it? If you're interested in becoming part of the RAU network, put contact info in the comments, or email me/message me. I'm looking for people who cannot make a commitment to daily posting, but who might be willing to blog anywhere from 1-3 times a week.

Topics are: politics, culture, religion, education, and such, but I'm open to suggestions or new ideas.


1 comment:

John Wilder said...

John Wilder here . . .

Lies of the Left

This COULD be a lengthy post. But, I'll try to winnow it down to a reasonable length. The CA Parent Bribery 'Scandal' - the 1...