Monday, January 14, 2019

Monthly Update

More or less - I didn't check to see the exact date.

The Christmas Chaos is over, and both husband and I are back to school (him to full-time, me in my usual sporadic work schedule of subbing). I'm getting used to teaching 2 times a week or so (the goal is to aim for 5-6 times a month).

I've been working on study for my Life, Accident, and Health License. I need it to get started helping people to choose their Medicare plans (and, to a lesser extent, other associated insurances, such as Final expenses). I decided on this after seeing how much I was helped by someone who did the same for me. You CAN do it yourself, but it is helpful to talk it through with another person.

If I can do this 2-3 times a month, and more often during the Oct. 15 - Dec. 15 Open Enrollment Period, It should be able to form a good basis for a steady income to supplement my retirement. And, unlike the subbing, it isn't location-dependent.


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