Thursday, March 30, 2017

An OLD, NEW Europe? With More Communist Expansion?

Look, I get that Russia is not necessarily our worst enemy. No, Putin cannot be trusted to act in any way that is not in his own best interest.

However, he is not our worst enemy - not as long as George Soros is alive.

I've written about Soros before. He is an example of just how awful Capitalism can be, when it is married to Radical Politics.

Soros finds Thugocratic Dictators much easier to work with than Free Markets. It was the basis of how he made so much money in the first place.

But, he has reached the point where either:

  1. He gets reined in - stopped from destabilizing governments, or,
  2. He will force all free governments from the face of this Earth.


Tuesday, March 28, 2017

The Road to Zen Calm

...lies on the off-track to most media.

I'm a cultural Luddite. I seldom voluntarily listen to music - of ANY era. I like the silence.

I find that when I watch 'famous' people on the news, my only thought is - who the -bleep- ARE these people? I haven't a clue.

I don't watch that much TV (except when the Mr. and I watch together), and have even started skipping The Big Bang Theory, since they started focusing on the Relationships, rather than the Science.

My husband will be out of town for a few days - I doubt that I'll even bother turning on the TV.

The same with the news media. About once a day, I skim the FoxNews site headlines, occasionally click on a link, but, mostly just close the tab again. What information I get comes from a quick perusal of aggregation sites - Instapundit, Breitbart, a few bloggers I follow because I like their work - and, if more information is indicated, I check out a VARIETY of sites, from different perspectives (including, NYT, and other sources).

In totally unrelated news, the dread anti-Trad Families forces are once again attacking - this siege is aimed at forcing the 1st Grade Crowd to accept as normal - OR ELSE! - a boy wearing a girl's dress.  Naturally, they focused on Charlotte-Mecklenberg Schools.

Sound to me like a recipe for success - because we all know how eager boys are to read about outre young'uns, don't we?


More on the Politically-Charged Spying 'Game'

This is one of the most lucid explanations of the current situation, and what it all means.

TECHNICALLY, Obama and the senior officials might not have been guilty of a crime, 'only' an abuse of power.

That's like saying, TECHNICALLY, Capone wasn't guilty of racketeering. He was 'only' guilty of tax evasion.

People of character still considered him a dirty, vicious, thuggish head of a criminal enterprise - who was not above getting his hands in the mess.

That should be the legacy of Obama - head of a dirty, vicious, thuggish group of criminals.  He should be shunned by decent people.


Sunday, March 26, 2017

Sunday Break

Last week's Adult Faith Group meeting was AWESOME! We were watching the Pivotal Players, the G. K. Chesterson episode (pretty much all the videos are available on Youtube), and we learned so much that we were amazed. I mentioned the American Chesterson Society on the web, and most of the group made a point of writing that information down for future perusal. They provide some of his writings in ebook format, and I'm looking forward to reading more.

Next week, we look at Michaelangelo (properly pronounced Mick-el-angelo, but, by many Americans from the Midwest, like me, Michael-angelo). I've always loved his work, so this should be pure pleasure.


Saturday, March 25, 2017

Wiretapping? Or Just Politics As Usual, For Liberals

To hear the disgust that Liberals hold for politicians that use the Executive powers for snooping on their political enemies, just ask them about Nixon. Stand back, for the spittle-laced rage has not abated in 34 years.

Then, ask them what they think about the Obama administration's use of covertly-acquired information about Donald Trump.


Or, worse, a defense.

Now, was it TECHNICALLY wiretapping? It may not have fit that definition, but it WAS covert. More importantly, SOME of the people involved in the process did release personal information about an American citizen, against law and bureaucratic policy.

THAT'S why an investigation of the episode is warranted.


Thursday, March 23, 2017

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Sunday Break

I've been looking forward to this all week - the purposeful refusal to dwell on the things of this world that will pass, and a dedication to thinking about Eternal Topics.

This week, I was thinking about Charity and Triage:

  • I'm not one to say that sheltering the homeless, welcoming the stranger, and other Cardinal Works of Mercy are not important. Certainly, many Christians can make an argument that these are legitimate uses of their time and energy, and should be at the top of their Merciful Works. I'm just not convinced that the taxpayer should pay for it.
  • Why don't the Gates, Soros, Buffett, Zuckerberg, et al, concentrate on using their money for relief for those displaced by war, building homes to replace dilapidated public housing, training ex-cons for honest work, etc? That would be a charitable use, that would easily fulfill the requirements of NGOs in the USA. Instead, they seem to delight in meddling with politically-tinged causes, such as advocating and lobbying for us to take in more refugees, without reference to whether SOME of them slipping in would be inclined to particularly pernicious forms of Islamic thought.
  • I've fallen WAY behind on my spiritual reading this Lent. All my fault (mea culpa, etc.). In fairness, the last 2 weeks have been hectic - preparing for surgery (taking off from a teaching job is WAY more work than staying, even if you're ill), then, recovering from it. I'm almost off painkillers, except for bedtime, so I should be able to stay awake after 8:30 this weekend, and get back in the groove. I hope.
  • Speaking of faults - one of mine is a tendency to speak sharply when I think - KNOW - that someone is hopelessly wrong on a topic. Why do I think it's my job to straighten that person out? Could it be that my root failing is the fundamental of the 7 Sins? Pride? I gotta work on that.
  • Family is important - this evening, we will have the rare privilege of visiting with our nephew and his wife in Charlotte. And the grandnieces and their new brother. That's one of many reasons that I'm looking forward to retirement - the opportunity to spend more time with family and friends.
Something just came into view right before this was scheduled to post. It's the idea of whatever is going on with the MANY unchurched, not just Progressives, but also Conservatives, and how they will change politics. It's worth reading.

Also - fascinating reading about Norse mythology, and the connection between pagan and Christian thought.


Thursday, March 16, 2017

Back At Work - I Can't Kick

Literally. I can't kick.

I managed. I wasn't my sharpest. I moved slowly, and with the assistance of either my knee stroller (see below) or a cane.
Image result for knee stroller
Mine is green and black, but, basically, the same.

I have a teacher's day tomorrow, so will be able to catch up on grading and entry. I showed a movie today The Martian - quite educational, and right in line with what we had been doing in class:

  • Gas laws
  • The importance of water, and it's use as a solvent

My physics class will be working on - Work and Energy.

Which I don't have much of today.
Image result for tired teacher

Well, not every day - but today, yes.


Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Out of Surgery - Owie! Owie! Owie!

The problem is never with the actual operation - the surgeon/anesthetist takes great care that you should be in no pain.

The problem is AFTER - you have the unpleasant choice between being doped up, or in pain. Or, with tremendous effort, somewhere in between.

I'm going off to get a little hit on the drugs. A girl can only stand so much.


Monday, March 13, 2017

Heading into Surgery

Don't be alarmed - it's not that major. My toe needs the bony overgrowth cleared out. If there is sufficient cartilage, that will be it.

Otherwise, I'm going to have a titanium end-cap put on the toe, to allow it to move smoothly when the joint bends.

It sucks that I have to fast this morning. I'm counting down the time until Dennis comes home to drive me to the hospital. By this time tomorrow morning, the sedative will have worn off, hopefully, I won't be in too much pain, and I should be relatively mobile, if a little slow.

I doubt I will feel at all like blogging or any writing for a few days (the sedatives may dictate some backing away from the computer).


Sunday, March 05, 2017

Sunday Break

I'm fascinated by politics, and the intersection of it with culture. Hence, those two major themes underly much of my posting.

Not today, however. It's Sunday, and I'm using Lent as an excuse NOT to post on my usual topics on my day of rest.

Assorted thoughts/ideas:

  • I'm a catechist at my church (St. Anne Church, Rock Hill, SC). I facilitate the Adult group that meets on Wednesday evening. This coming week, the group will be looking at G. K. Chesterton (alas, I will not be there - I have a conflicting science workshop to attend). For more information about Chesterton, most of which I did not know before preparing for our group, go here.
  • I'm simultaneously following Lenten dietary practices, and doing Weight Watchers. Good timing, it turns out. Most of the stuff I shouldn't be eating is the sort of stuff that ends up on most people's Give Up for Lent list. I did NOT give up any food for Lent; instead, I decided to spend time each day reading something worthwhile. Don't ask how that is going - I may have to dedicate an entire day to catching up, soon.
  • I've been grading a good portion of the last 3 days. Unlike earlier years, when I would do a 1 or 2 day blitz to catch up, I've found that extended time trying to read students' handwriting leaves me with blurred or double vision. I've had to learn to chop up those marathon sessions into mini-blitzkreigs.
  • One thing that I've been doing enough of to start achieving competency is learning Morse Code (CW, as it's called by radio operators). There is an online program that is self-paced, and quite good. I'm already starting to recognize letters by sound. Is CW necessary? No - you can connect by voice, digital, or other means. It's just NEAT, and a very efficient way to do so on the road, with minimal equipment, low power, and in poor signal conditions.
  • I've been praying for a friend of my eldest daughter - she is dying of breast cancer. It was only discovered at a very advanced stage, after years of misdiagnosis. I can't entirely blame the doctors - her symptoms were vague, and could easily have been something else. She is not 40 years old, and is likely to die within a short time. Susan will be missed by all - she is a good hearted, earnest, and fun-loving person.


Lies of the Left

This COULD be a lengthy post. But, I'll try to winnow it down to a reasonable length. The CA Parent Bribery 'Scandal' - the 1...