Sunday, September 17, 2006

Send this slimeball to jail

I found this post about the terrorist attorney, Lynne Stewart, on PC Free Zone. She is to be sentenced on October 16, 2006. You have an opportunity to let your voice be heard by writing a short letter of support for a VERY long and tough sentence.

What did she do?
On February 10, 2005, Lynne Stewart was convicted of helping terrorists by smuggling messages of violence from one of her imprisoned clients -- a radical Egyptian sheik -- to his terrorist disciples on the outside.

Lynne Stewart was convicted of providing material support, through a press conference and allowing access by her translator, to a terrorist conspiracy to kill persons outside of the United States and conspiring to defraud the U.S. government when acting as counsel to Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman, the blind Egyptian cleric who was convicted in 1996 of plotting terrorist attacks against various sites in the New York City area.
That's just one of the many despicable actions she has taken in a long and traitorous career.

You can get the mailing address from PC Free Zone. I know you probably seldom use snail-mail, but this is absolutely essential.

Lawyers cannot be allowed to subvert the law, using the protection of their attorney-client privilege. A strong sentence will make other terrorist-friendly lawyers think twice about such actions.

I wrote the following letter:
Dear Judge Koetl,

I understand that you will be the one to decide on the sentence for convicted lawyer Lynne Stewart. I’m concerned that the punishment she receives is appropriate for her crimes. What did she do?
On February 10, 2005, Lynne Stewart was convicted of helping terrorists by smuggling messages of violence from one of her imprisoned clients -- a radical Egyptian sheik -- to his terrorist disciples on the outside.
Lynne Stewart was convicted of providing material support, through a press conference and allowing access by her translator, to a terrorist conspiracy to kill persons outside of the United States and conspiring to defraud the U.S. government when acting as counsel to Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman, the blind Egyptian cleric who was convicted in 1996 of plotting terrorist attacks against various sites in the New York City area. Finally caught in the snares of justice, Lynne Stewart is now facing sentencing for her crimes, and your help is needed to be sure she receives the maximum sentence allowable by law.
Lynn was recorded bragging about her skills as an actress which she used to fool the prison guards into believing she was a lawyer instead of a terrorist, saying, "I can get an award for it" which was translated to the Sheikh: "She is saying, Your Eminence, that she can get an award for acting (all three laugh).
These are not the actions of a lawyer. Lawyers are officers of the court, and take an oath to behave honorably. She used her position to commit acts that furthered terrorist activities. This wasn’t the act of a duped innocent, but an accomplice to terrorist activity.
You are a NYC judge. You know the terrible damage and destruction unleashed by terrorists. You need to do the right thing, and put her away for a long, long time.
Please add your support to putting her in prison for the maximum time.

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Lies of the Left

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