Here's what I wanted to post:
I don't know a SINGLE Conservative/Libertarian who doesn't know QUITE a few Liberals - many of them make their presence known by delivering their opinions in the most insulting terms possible. If Conservatives fail to swallow the insult placidly, they are accused of "starting" a fight. If in the workplace, Liberals have NO hesitation in airing their most wacko thoughts, and asserting that anyone who disagrees with them is a (pick one or more) racist/fascist/women-hater/homophobe/etc.
And, if that doesn't shut up opposition, they'll start a campaign to get opponents fired.
So, no, I don't think that BOTH Conservatives and Liberals need to get a wider social circle. I think that Liberals need to start acting civilly about disagreement - it is NOT a hate crime, it simply means that your passionate defense of your views hasn't persuaded us that you are right.
The fury expressed by Conservatives is largely limited to foaming at the mouth when - FINALLY - we are in a place that it is safe to unload our frustration, and on commenting, where the bile really does spill, in many cases.
Who is the oppressed here? The person/persons that will scream over opposing viewpoints, or the ones that are so cowed, they only feel free to say what they think anonymously.
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