These politicians, intelligent and canny men, chose to ignore certain, shall we say, troublesome signs: the deliberately provocative opening date of September 11, 2011. The refusal of Shari El-Gamal, who paid $4.85 million in cash for the site, to disclose investors. The testimony of the 9/11 families that El-Gamal showed them architectural renderings of a fifteen-story building with a mosque on the top floor, providing worshipers with a commanding view of Ground Zero -- despite public assurances that he's building a thirteen-story community center, not a mosque. And most glaring of all, the two-faced, double-talking, shariah-lovin' characters at the front of the operation, Imam Rauf and his wife, Daisy Khan.The iman of the proposed center is interviewed on TV, in conjunction with one of the first responders to the 9/11 attack. The iman doesn't answer the questions. He avoids making clear statements about the intent of the center, as well as about its financing.
Imam Rauf knows how to sling the peace and harmony mumbo-jumbo that makes the multicultural crowd go weak in the knees. He writes, "We believe that people of good faith can use the common core of their religions to find solutions to problems that will let them live together." Sweet, isn't it? But according to Debra Burlingame, co-founder of 9/11 Families for a Safe and Strong America, "Imam Rauf is a Muslim cleric who, immediately after 9/11, blamed the attacks on U.S. treatment of Muslims, asserting that Osama Bin Ladin [sic] was 'made in the U.S.A.'" His wife, Daisy Khan, showed her touching sensitivity to the sacredness of the Ground Zero site by testifying at the community board meeting that Cordoba House would provide "much needed party space." Who wouldn't want to party overlooking the site where 20,000 body parts were recovered? She also gave a PowerPoint presentation promising Cordoba House "would help non-Muslims to integrate" -- help some of us non-Muslims can do without.
Why would it be called Cordoba House?
Because Muslims still consider Spain to rightly belong to them, and Cordoba is the epicenter of that fight. Here's a link to a news report about Muslims loudly praying in a Catholic Church, and their violent response when directed to stop. Which church was it?
Graham Keeley of the Times recounted the history of the historical building: "The Great Mosque of Cordoba was converted into a Christian church in 1236 after King Ferdinand III of Castile recaptured the city from the Moors. The building later became the modern-day Cathedral of Our Lady of the Assumption....The Roman Catholic Church cited archaeological reports that said before the Mosque was built in the 8th century remains of an earlier Christian temple had stood on the same spot."In other words, Christians owned it FIRST, the Muslims took it over, then, under the Reconquest, we took it back. Doesn't sound like they have a claim to me.
Here's the input of The American Thinker.
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