Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Old, but Worth Watching

I found some videos on YouTube. The first one is of the mass gatherings of the spring. It was produced by Immigration Watchdog

Dennis Miller on immigration. Pointed and funny. Pay special to his last suggestion for illegal immigration proponents.

A typical anti-illegal immigrant activist presents his reasoned argument in favor of his position.

The illegal immigrants' marches are receiving less attention than in the spring, but they are still continuing. Notice that many in the crowd seem to be Anglo sympathizers (rather typical for St. Paul area).

March on Washington, 9/7/06. The angle from which this was shot may make the crowd appear larger than it was.

The marchers seemed to have learned about carrying non-US flags. This is apparently a top-down organized march. Signs are all mass-produced, the flags are all the same size and on the same poles.

Since so many have referred to it, here's Led Zeppelin's Immigrant song.

Here's the Viking Kittens version.

Ray Beck's video talking about the numbers on illegal immigration.

Part II of the Ray Beck video.

Chertoff is being interviewed in TX. He responds to a question about security of the infrastructure, and Sen. Hutchinson also responds.

Victor Davis Hanson on immigration.

1 comment:

a.k.a. Blandly Urbane said...

Good videos. Nothing wrong with a little history lesson revisit, especially since it is rewritten almost as it happens these days.

I didn't see a trackback here so wanted to let you know I linked this post in a "what's up with CAII" type post.


Lies of the Left

This COULD be a lengthy post. But, I'll try to winnow it down to a reasonable length. The CA Parent Bribery 'Scandal' - the 1...