Saturday, January 28, 2006

It's the culture, not the politics

I found this essay on One Cosmos
our society has become a plague of adult children and childish adults--that is, prematurely sexualized children who are burdened with all kinds of inappropriate concerns, and childish adults who psychologically do not grow beyond the age of 21 or so, and never enter the realm of the truly adult.

That's what I've been saying - it's an issue of those who are grown-up, vs. those who petulantly want everything, all at once - that is, those who are childish.

More below:
The modern conservative movement is not just trying to preserve the traditional male element, but the traditional separation of the various spheres in general--civilized vs. barbaric, animal vs, human, adult vs. child--while the Democratic party is the party of mannish women (e.g., Hillary Clinton, Gloria Allred), feminized men (e.g., Bill Clinton, John Kerry, Al Gore), adult children (Howard Dean, John Edwards, Ted Kennedy, Joe Biden, et al), and even animal humans (PETA members who believe that killing six million chickens is morally indistinguishable from murdering six million Jews, radical environmentalists, etc.). And it is almost impossible to engage in rational debate with the adult child, who has the cynicism of a world-weary grown up but the wisdom of a child, or with the male-female hybrid, who possesses an emotionalized reason that is easily hijacked by the passions. This is not so much a disagreement between the content of thought as its very form.
There's a lot more, so check it out.

= Culture

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Lies of the Left

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