Several weeks ago, my husband was watching public television, and I wandered in to see that Emma Goldman was being canonized. According to the "documentary", Emma was just a tireless crusader for the underdog. She is quoted as saying:
"As an anarchist, I am opposed to violence. But if the people want to do away with assassins, they must do away with the conditions which produce murderers."
According to the PBS website
Throughout her life, Goldman would oppose violence in theory, but defend it in practice by shifting the blame for acts of violence onto the state and governing classes.
How like a leftist! "I didn't want to shoot you, but you made me do it - you cad!"
Michelle failed to show some of the more disgusting items for sale, including:
The above item including the precious caption "BUSH KILLED MY [SON/DAUGHTER]. We're so sorry your child died needlessly due to Bush's lies, and we salute them. This item is specially priced for grieving families."
Well, as long as they give the grieving families a price break...
Other items include:
In addition to the anti-Bush items, there's also the ever-popular Che:
On the back of many of the Che items is this quote:
Che Guevara was an activist's activist. Memorialize him with this gear. This quote is on the back of several items: "If you tremble indignation at every injustice then you are a comrade of mine."
Many people would agree with this sentiment, but the snide caption says:
Republicans will probably charge this to their child's credit card . . .
The above sentiment came from the Angry Liberal Store, which includes:
I could go on, but check out the store for yourself.
"I have no words that would be sufficient to express my disgust with how anti-democratic (small d) this is. In a democracy, we don't threaten to kill our political enemies. Or, I should say, we dare not."
Wow, Captain Obvious. Congrats on that amazing deduction that we shouldn't kill political enemies in a democracy.
Truly enlightening.
But when you say "Just how disgusting can they get", who is "they" ??
Some teenage girl with questionable judgement? Or all people with left leaning politics? Which is it? Not as clear as your profound discovery that we shouldn't kill political enemies. (Oh, except according to Tom DeLay et al, the judiciary are fair game)
Regarding Malkin's article on the "liberal left" (a term I have to never understood any more than whatever a "christian right" label is supposed to mean) and CafePress, curious as to what people would say to this product on a Republican CafePress created site:
A product that encourages people to shoot at a past President? I guess one can make a distinction that it's for toy guns or darts, but at what point do you draw the line when the message is about taking aim at a U.S. President, Senator or Representative, past or present?
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