Friday, October 13, 2017

There's a WHOLE Lot of Truth in This

First, my background:

I've known non-native residents in the US - both legal and illegal (mostly my students and/or their parents).

It's true that they generally aren't lazy and will work hard (those not involved in illegal pursuits, of course).

But, that's also true of many Americans.

So, why hire the illegals?

  1. They will work under-the-table. In fact, many of them prefer that - they get no access to benefits, such as Workers' Comp or collecting Social Security. So, why pay the money for a benefit they won't receive?
  2. They can be intimidated by threats of contacting the authorities - and I have an interesting suggestion on how to curb that further down.
  3. There are a lot of them, with few barriers to hiring, and few penalties for the boss if their status is discovered.
Note what he says about those who get displaced for the illegal workers. They COULD do the jobs, but they are rejected, because hiring them will put more demands/restrictions on the company.

If an American asks for time off to deal with a sick kid, you have to give it to her.

If an illegal worker does the same (assuming that she dares to), you tell her - show up, or you're fired.

My idea for eliminating egregious violations of alien hiring:

  • The FIRST time - warning and a fine
  • The SECOND time - fine and mandatory jail time for anyone involved
  • The THIRD time - strip the company employee/boss that made this possible of their citizenship, and deport them. I'm sure we can find a country that will accept them, in return for some aid.

See how THEY like being an illegal with no access to power, and no defense againse abuse.


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